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Long Exposure

A three hours video/photo performance installation that gives light to the vulvographic process: a provocative approach to and experience of the image making process, in which the audience is invited to engage and commit to the realisation of a loooooooooooooooooooong exposure photograph in front of the V(ulv)amera.


This piece took place during the BORE MINI FESTIVAL curated by artist Chai Vivan.

Instructions for audience's participation:


* on the time-sheet, write your name and the time you enter the piece

* sit in a comfortable position within the markings on the floor, facing the vulvamera.

* remain still, and in position for at least 10 minutes, and upto 3 hours.

* on the time-sheet, write the time you leave the piece.





Photo by Chai Vivan 


Duration: 3 hours


"Encounters, projections, reflections of self and other. Loved sitting in front of the installation. Thank you." Ally


"Too many to re-count!" Dave


"I don't get a feeling of femininity or masculinity from myself or others in a way that goes very far below the surface. I don't know what femininity feels like, I wonder if you do, or you have an idea of what it means. Maybe if I looked like you, I would have an idea of femininity relating to myself, maybe not. I think the way we look determines howwe see ourlseves like it determines how others see us. I don't know - I like the idea of unintrusive photography, inviting not taking- maybe this approach is intrinsically feminine. I feel intrusive now. But this makes me wonder about the assumptions of feminist scholars -it's hard to know what the properties of femininity are when history is full of masculinity  and most people in most fields have been men." Justin





Photo by Chai Vivan 

BORE mini festival

To find more about the festival, please click on the image

© 2015 by Fenia Kotsopoulou


This website might contain nudity

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